


In 2017 a state-wide residency process was implemented in North Carolina known as the Residency Determination Service (RDS). In order for a student to receive the benefits of in-state tuition, a residency determination from RDS is required at the time of application or reapplication to 美高梅mgm集团.

To 完整的 你的住院医师分类是 居住信息(cfnc.org).

如果你是 更新 your residency status or have a change in your status due to a reconsideration or an appeal, please email the following information to the 财政援助办事处 so your 美高梅mgm集团 file can be updated. 把你的全名,生日和RCN号码发邮件到 vgrds@teamsquirrelnut.com.  Your 美高梅mgm集团 residency status will be updated within two business days.


The specific requirements for establishing residency for tuition classification purposes are prescribed by state law. A North Carolina resident for tuition purposes is a person, or a dependent person (dependent according to IRS tax code), whose parent or legal guardian has established and maintained legal residence in North Carolina for at least 12 months. Residence in North Carolina must be legitimate and be a permanent situation rather than just for the purpose of maintaining a residence prior to enrollment at an institution of higher education.

根据北卡罗来纳州的法律, 要获得州内学费的资格,你必须 表明:

  • You have established your legal residence (domicile) in North Carolina
  • You have maintained that domicile for at least twelve (12) consecutive months before the beginning of the academic term or semester
  • You have a documented residentiary presence in the state
  • You intend to make North Carolina your permanent home indefinitely (rather than being in North Carolina solely to attend college)

Other persons not meeting the 12-month legal residence requirement may be classified as North Carolina residents for tuition purposes only if they fall within one of the limited categories authorized by the North Carolina Legislature.  All other persons are ineligible for classification as a North Carolina “resident for tuition purposes” and will be charged out-of-state tuition. Applicants can 完整的 the RDS process before, 在, or after completing the admissions application. You will only have to 完整的 the process once, no matter how many NC college or university admissions applications you 完整的. You will 完整的 an online interview and may be asked to provide documentation afterward. Required information will include identification numbers for you and/or your parents, such as you might provide for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It is a good idea to have this kind of information easily available at the time you 完整的 the RDS interview. 如果你没有, RDS will save any confirmed information and allow you to re-enter the interview process where you left off.

See the PDFs below for more detailed information

Applicants with questions not covered by this section should contact the 财政援助办事处 at 252-738-3280 or vgrds@teamsquirrelnut.com
